- Log in to your LUCID account with your login data https://lucid.verpackungsregister.org/login
- Under Data report, click Edit to report your volumes.
- In the Producer data report area, you have six options for declaring your volumes:
- Initial planned volume report: report your planned volumes for the following calendar year.
- Intra-year volume report: report or adjust your volumes for the current calendar year.
- End-of-year volume report: report your final volumes for the previous year by 15 May.
- Supplementary volume report: correct your actual volumes for the previous year after 15 May.
- Deduction volume report: correct your volume reports if products/items of packaging have been returned to you because they were damaged or unfit for sale.
Tip: Find out how to use our XML volumes file download in the answer to the question ‘Is there an easy way to upload my volumes into LUCID?’.
- In all cases, enter the reporting period for the correct calendar year – as a rule, it must be from January to December in any one year, since licensing with Lizenzero is always for one year and the reference periods must be the same for both LUCID and Lizenzero.
- Select ‘Interzero Recycling Alliance’ as your system operator (please note: for all reports referencing licensing years up to and including 2021, please select ‘Interzero Circular Solutions GmbH’ instead) – this is the dual system that runs the Lizenzero online shop. Enter exactly the same packaging volumes in kilograms that you previously licensed with Lizenzero. Enter exactly the same packaging volumes in kilograms that you previously licensed with Lizenzero.
- Click Review to check your data report.
- Once you have checked your data and clicked Save, your data report for LUCID is then complete.