LUCID is a publicly accessible database provided by the authority Zentrale Stelle Verpackungsregister, where all companies affected by the Packaging Act must register in addition to participating in a dual system.
- Once you have registered with the LUCID Packaging Register, you will receive an email with your individual registration number. If you happen to lose this email, your number is also shown at all times on your LUCID dashboard. Please also read our detailed blog post "How can I register and report my data to LUCID?".
- The registration number is used to link the Central Agency Packaging Register with the dual systems: the number can be used to check that a company has provided the same details to both organisations and therefore discover any irregularities. Because of this, the number must also be provided to the dual system as soon as possible. Without the number, data cross-checks are not possible – and this constitutes an infringement of Packaging Act duties in itself.
- When you receive your number, please enter this in your Lizenzero account: For guidance, see the answer to the question ‘Where do I enter my LUCID registration number?’, under ‘My Lizenzero customer account: where to find what”.